Sacramental Preparation Programme for 2024
The programme of formation for the sacrament of First Reconciliation begins on Sunday 3rd March 2024 at 3.30pm.
The programme to prepare candidates for the Sacrament of Confirmation and First Holy Communion will take place in the second school term, and conclude with a Sacramental celebration with Bishop Stephen Lowe on Sunday 23rd or 30th June at 9.30am Mass.
Eligibility for enrolment in the programme:
Children who are at Year 4 or above and have been Baptised in the Catholic Church. It is expected that candidates for these sacraments will have been receiving instruction in the Catholic faith previous to their enrolment in the programme. The sacramental preparation programme supplements a child’s education in the faith, but it can not replace or supplant the on-going instruction which ought to be occurring in the home, school and parish environments.
Enrolment forms with programme schedule are available at church door, or you can download the Enrolment Form and Sacramental Programme Schedule.
For further info, contact Stephen Bell (mobile: 021 0608561, or email